Monday, July 28, 2008

Just One More Week!

IVF World Sprints are in a week! This Saturday we race the Round the Rock Alcatraz race, then head to Sacramento for 2008 IVF World Sprints (August 1 - 9).

Chris has been recovering from a dislocated thumb and can't race this year, he'll help Phil as an official. (Hey, never hurts to be seeing the line judge. ;)

This season we've raced a few races in Sacramento - conditions have been hot, flat, and a little smoggy (due to forest fires). The lake is pretty cool since it is fed by snowmelt, which helps a lot.

I'm racing with some of my crew from SFOCC. Pictured above: Coach Steph Siaris, Debbie Coleman, me, Rachel Griffin, Amy Ng, Theresa Wilson.