Saturday, August 2, 2008

Wavechaser Downwind & Alcatraz Round the Rock

So, had a great time racing in our home waters today, did the Alcatraz Round the Rock race. This year the officials had the women race first at 8 to allow out of town visitors in CA for the Worl Sprints to take on a short course race midday. As a result, conditions for the women's reace were fuh fuh fuh fuh-lat. Didn't quite feel like our home waters! Still, we had a lot of fun. 3 visiting teams from So Cal swept the women's races - Lanakila, NAC, and San Diego. But we had a great race and had 3 SFOCC women's boats, plus one women's boat in the Novice races.

The boys from Hui Wa'a took first in the "sea pickle" - tahitian style boat. Looking great, possibly illegal boat on weight regulations? Visitors from Canada (Team Pogue with Ryan steering) took 2nd away from SFOCC at the last minute... apparently some confusion about the finishing line.

Last weekend I raced my first downwind run from Fort Baker to Emeryville, photos up on facebook: . It was super fun, a bit harder than I thought it would be to really keep the momentum and continue to get on top of the waves. Still, I had a blast. The only other women to race on OC1 were Steph, Judy, and Enav, but several friends raced on the 2s, and all our men did the race as a time trial. Congrats to those selected for the Molokai crew!

Up to Sacramento tomorrow for World Sprints. Woohoo!

Monday, July 28, 2008

Just One More Week!

IVF World Sprints are in a week! This Saturday we race the Round the Rock Alcatraz race, then head to Sacramento for 2008 IVF World Sprints (August 1 - 9).

Chris has been recovering from a dislocated thumb and can't race this year, he'll help Phil as an official. (Hey, never hurts to be seeing the line judge. ;)

This season we've raced a few races in Sacramento - conditions have been hot, flat, and a little smoggy (due to forest fires). The lake is pretty cool since it is fed by snowmelt, which helps a lot.

I'm racing with some of my crew from SFOCC. Pictured above: Coach Steph Siaris, Debbie Coleman, me, Rachel Griffin, Amy Ng, Theresa Wilson.